Saturday 13 September 2008

Of Barns and Brains

Thanks again to all of you who prayed for my mum. Here's her own reflections on her recent illness (published with her permission):
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I have recently learned that my brain is my barn (Luke 12:15-21).
Let me explain.
Most of you know that I was ill last week, and wound up in hospital – a suspected stroke, but actually a labyrinthinitis (balance mechanism problem).
When I thought I was getting a stroke, I was terrified that I would be mentally incapacitated. I realized that material possessions mean very little to me – but intellect is what I value. In my illness, God taught me that I have built my ‘barns’ of personal significance on my brains and intellect.
Now that I am faced with the possibility that by brains and my intellect may be affected in the future (the MRI scans show some narrowing of the blood vessels supplying the brain), I am learning to come to terms with a possible loss of my intellectual sharpness. Praise God for teaching me this.

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