Tuesday 7 October 2008

Henty mission went well

The SPY Henty mission was a roaring success. There were about 40 children who came to the program. I was very pleased with our youth group - they presented the skits & talks really well, there was a positive, energetic vibe that held the kid's attention really well. And I was very impressed with the the young people from Henty church, too - they did the songs and games really well. And Henty church had prepared a terrific backdrop for the skits and talk: the whole church had been transformed into a jungle! The various elements of the program came together really well too. We prepared our bits; Henty prepared their bits; and I was worried that it wouldn't gel; but it did, really well! I think the program we presented would do any city church proud.
So, now Henty church needs to follow-up on their contacts. Please keep them in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Is Henty really that green? I'd always imagined something flatter and dryer.

Anonymous said...

In a previous post, you were wondering if you would get bored and restless in the country? Also how the local townspeople would take to an immigrant? Am interested in your experiences on these 2 points...