Saturday 15 November 2008

Challenges for SBM next year

One of the questions asked at the SBM Open Night was "what challenges do you expect SBM to face next year?" The answers were so good that I want to record them. The leadership team said:
  • As a new church, it's easy to get caught up in the fun and excitement of it, and forget our real goal: reaching non-Christians with the gospel message. We need to stay outsider-focused.
  • We need to stay faithful to the Bible. We're a relatively young, inexperienced group of leaders - if we're not careful, we could easily stray from Biblical truthfulness.
  • This is the first time we've done a church plant. We don't really know what we're doing!
  • Our uni ministry is losing most of its leaders, 'coz they're graduating. We need new leaders for next year.
  • While we want to focus on subcontinentals, we can't exclude others - the church is for all people. How are we going to run that balance?
  • Church planting is hard work. After the initial excitement, tensions will show and nerves start to fray. We need to work on relationships.

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