Monday 3 August 2009

The Evangelical Necessity of Christ's Full Humanity

"Jesus was not incidentally human, but deliberately, necessarily, thoroughly [human]. And by taking our nature to himself he has set a divine seal upon human life. If we seek to understand our humanity we must do so henceforth with one eye upon his [humanity]. He it is who had led the normative human life, the single life that has resisted sin; and offered to God the perfect sacrifice - which we never can - of a life obedient to the Father at every point. Not only so. By taking human life into the very godhead, he has hallowed human existence and asserted afresh and forever the worth and the dignity of bearing the image of God... God's purpose in the incarnation is precisely to take upon himself the gamut of human experience, sin alone apart. His identification with our human condition is total."
From pages 26-27 of Nigel M. de S. Cameron, Complete in Christ: Rediscovering Jesus and Ourselves, Paternoster 1997 [Marshal Pickering, 1989]

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