Monday 2 November 2009

Popular impact of the New Perspective

Christianity Today has an interesting article on the popular impact of the New Perspective. Basically, it's providing a route back to Roman Catholicism - which is what everyone's been saying ever since it became an issue in academic theology, some fifty years ago or so.
Collin Hansen, 'Not All Evangelicals and Catholics Together', Christianity Today 10 Oct 09.
Thanks to Roger Gallagher for drawing this to my attention.


jeltzz said...

Yes, but see this post on why treating the NPP as RC is wrong-headed.

Kamal Weerakoon said...

Thanks Seumas. Good link.

See also N. T. Wright's own response, posted at

I think Michael Bird is correct to point to similarities between Wright and Bucer, especially on double justification. It's interesting that the Regensburg (aka Rattisbon) Concord, worked out between the Protestant Bucer and the Catholic reformer Jacobo Sadoleto, was not accepted by either the Protestants or Rome.