Thursday 17 June 2010

Week of evangelism

We're in the middle of a week of evangelism at St Mary's Presbyterian Church. We're going through the book of Romans, and this Sunday we'll be getting to the famous Romans 3:21-26. With that in mind, and noting that last Monday was a public holiday, we decided to make this week a special week of evangelism.

On Monday we had a church social, to which we invited non-churched family & friends. We had a lot of visitors - at least fifteen - which is pretty good for a church of forty regulars. Everyone had a great time. I particularly enjoyed meeting family members & friends whom I'd heard of but not met before. Please pray that the visitors will come to church, hear the gospel, and be saved.

Bible studies this week put on a special evangelistic meeting. I would have attended - except I've come down with a cold! I'm sitting at my computer typing this while sneezing & wiping my nose (toooo much info...). Strange, hey. Why this week???

Anyway, please pray for church this Sunday. It'll be a special evangelistic meeting, I'll speak on Romans 3:21-26, we'll be inviting people to make a response. Let's see what the Lord does.

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