Wednesday 10 September 2008

Covenant Theology: a concluding unscientific postscript

Well, that's enough from me on covenant theology. I've summarised it; talked about headship and reliability; discussed John Murray's view of the Adamic Administriation; briefly touched on covenant and politics; discussed the covenant of redemption; and union with Christ. It's time I moved on to other matters of multicultural ministry.
Theology should always lead to doxology. As I've written these blogs on God's covenantal dealings with humanity, I have often felt praise to God welling up inside me. So let me conclude with with the words of a hymn praising God for his sovereign grace:

Sovereign grace, o’er sin abounding!
Ransomed souls, the tidings swell;
’Tis a deep that knows no sounding;
Who its breadth or length can tell?
On its glories, on its glories,
Let my soul for ever dwell.

Who from Christ that soul can sever,
Bound by everlasting bands?
Once in Him, in Him for ever;
Thus the eternal covenant stands.
None can take Thee, none can take thee
From the saviour's mighty hands.

Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Jesus,
Long ere time its race begun;
To His name eternal praises;
O what wonders love has done!
One with Jesus, one with Jesus,
By eternal union one.

On such love, my soul, still ponder,
Love so great, so rich, so free;
Say, while lost in holy wonder,
Why, O Lord, such love to me?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Grace shall reign eternally!

John Kent, 1746-1843

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